Welcome to a double installment of Why You Should Totally Be Watching Skins 2010. Ready? OK.
Over the past two weeks, Skins explored the inner workings of one Mr. James Cook and Ms. Katie fucking Fitch... Last year, Cook's story was about destruction. This season, the question is raised: Why destroy? Meanwhile, Katie and twin sister Emily spent 2009 fighting for dominion in a game of light and dark. Now, that they've broken free of each other Katie's wondering "Who the fuck am I?" Let's roll.
O Jimmy Cook, Jimmy Cook, wherefore art thou Jimmy Cooke?
Over the past two weeks, Skins explored the inner workings of one Mr. James Cook and Ms. Katie fucking Fitch... Last year, Cook's story was about destruction. This season, the question is raised: Why destroy? Meanwhile, Katie and twin sister Emily spent 2009 fighting for dominion in a game of light and dark. Now, that they've broken free of each other Katie's wondering "Who the fuck am I?" Let's roll.
O Jimmy Cook, Jimmy Cook, wherefore art thou Jimmy Cooke?
Denied thy best friend for he fucked your mum.
When thou got stresséd, you were but shirtless love
So I'll ignore the visual foreshadowing.
'Tis but thy past that is thine fuckery:
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
Sorry, I couldn't think of something stupidly clever for that last one. The episode was depressing, yo. As was the one that followed but in a different way.
Don't wanna be lke your mother?
Then don't dress like that.
If you've lived in England you know this is funny.
And everyone remember:
I love you more than I love cheese!
To catch up on the whole Skins thing hit this post. Kinda Great Guy will (try) to get back to its regular rambling installments ASAP.
To catch up on the whole Skins thing hit this post. Kinda Great Guy will (try) to get back to its regular rambling installments ASAP.
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