I did not intend this to be a once a month thing. I don't intend for a lot of things to happen. It's never been in my game plan to drink so much I black out but I've managed that. (Apparently).
All the positivity, the constant self-affirmation of these pages, is hard work because:
All the positivity, the constant self-affirmation of these pages, is hard work because:
- I am mondo lazy,
- I am kind of sad.
I'm not a happy person. It's not intended. But there you have it. Why -at six in the p.m.- should I be sitting in a darkened room, literally staring at the ceiling?
Especially when ma's surpassed herself in getting us a last minute ticket, when all of a sudden I'm Home for the Holidays, when I thought I wouldn't see anyone until a year after I'd left them... Why do things keep getting muddled? You don't know. I don't know either, really.
But, what keeps me trying, are those moments when the veil lifts. And, now that everyone who could be surprised was surprised, that I am here (in Athens, Greece), home for Christmas but not New Year's, I share as I leave again, in hope of understanding, one of those moments:
Especially when ma's surpassed herself in getting us a last minute ticket, when all of a sudden I'm Home for the Holidays, when I thought I wouldn't see anyone until a year after I'd left them... Why do things keep getting muddled? You don't know. I don't know either, really.
But, what keeps me trying, are those moments when the veil lifts. And, now that everyone who could be surprised was surprised, that I am here (in Athens, Greece), home for Christmas but not New Year's, I share as I leave again, in hope of understanding, one of those moments:
The boys are getting there, when:
Eli catches something in his rearview mirror.
Do they ever stop you in Greece? Pull you over to the side of the road?
Cut to the boys OK we're lost
straight there
or something about wacky races pou den exw idea ti symvainei koitaw ta plhktra k kanoune zooom in zoooom out k panw katw panw katw sa na eimai h Sandra Bullock sto Network (?) Pagidevmenh sto diktyo telws pantwn The Web?
exw kollhsei me ena zevgari agglakia mia kopela k enan typo epeidh skeftomai ypervolika na tous milhsw alla me stamataei to gegonos oti tha eimai o typos sthn istoria tous pou htane kommatia k aftoi exoun erthei edw mono na pioun k se styl it will be the weird person they met in amsterdam.
Kai tote tote skefotmai poia einai akrivws h istoria mou e kai einai gamath eimai edw se 8 hour layover apo thn amerikh. (edw pou exw erthei me giannh me to grhgorh me to xarh)
pwwwwwpw frikh mphkane kati koules pou milane mia varia glwssa phxth k nomisa oti htan ellhnika kai mphkame se mia (italiano!) syzhthsh ateleiiiiiiwth pou den katalavainomastan. Hmoun san apo tainia tromou sto tripaki panw enas pou arxizei speaking in tongues. Wx ki hrthan ki alles kai einai italides kai me a-po-syn-to-ni-zoun!
einai poly konta mou kai kanoun poly thorybo.
ki exw toso prosperasei to na mporw na grapsw gia to senario - petaxa toso makria pou paei afto exoume ftasei se allo epipedo. ena epipedo pou den paizetai, den ginetai, den einai yparxei eirmos?
Niwthw oti oi wmoi my shoulders i feel them i fll them pushing in toward my spine like on my back the cable knit cardigan is too heavy it's made of something fat and heavy and warm-weighing like gold.
metaferw apo to trapezaki to neo laptopaki sta podia mou. me vlepw prin na eimai san th matzika de spell (oxi th despell afth htan wraia alla ths xionaths th magissa pou'tan kampoura to despell omws maresei pio poly einai pio evhxo vre paidi mou)
Something molis espase ston katw orofo. tous akouw na to mazevoun. pathainw me tis ekfraseis pou fantazomai na kanw. mousikh, italides k vlefaro na tremopaizei. sa na paei na pesei na prodwsei san ton typo apenanti pou to ena tou mati de leei, kyriolektika adynatei na anoixei...
k koitaw thn wra sto ypologistaki pou einai 6: 00 am giati exei meinei stou l.A. ki as eimai sto Amsterdam k thymamai etsi ta panta ola mpainoun mesa mazi kateftheian o giannhs ki o grhgorhs kai o xarhs k h amerRikh k to kalokairi k to fevgio (eipa fevgio?!) pou se stelnei ekei kkk ooops
k to poios eisai k pws den milhses stous agglous apenanti aggloi htan to eipa ? kai pws phges k milhses stis itallides k pws you are That GUy thaaaaaaaaaaat guy k nai ta vlefara (paw olo na grapsw flevara) petarizoun san ths Jerri Blank (what is flevara?)
k phgan na mou xarisoun ena sakoulaki oi itales giati fevgoun shmera k tous lew "ki egw!" k pali den katalavainomastan alla shnnennoooouuontai me tous agglous synennoountai k oh my god i am ana alien. o h my god i just typed o h mygod i am ana alien oooooooooo if only someone could see me right now
but wait-- if this were all written down to be read would it read true or not would it be real or not would it have happened?
i actually raise my eyebrow i actually pout my lips i actually in this place that I, where I, exist truly. fully of this world and entirely not of it. a rap trying to write itself but I'm too white but not white in an american way because in greece we don't have colours in people
Until very recently all you would find in greece is Greeks and yes some others but the others were such a very small minority that you learn to think them like that (Others) subconsciously and then one day you realize you're technically racist because you are not used to them and spending time with them
Aggelikh was my friend who's black back in 1st grade. We did projects together she was nice I think we were supposed to be in a common group of friends
OI italines synexizoun na me vgazoun apo ton eirmo mou afth th fora gia na zhthsoun stylo ka na mhn katannohthoume na ta grafw egw na shkwnetai to frydaki
Literally these things are happening - As a child she is not your black friend she really is your friend who is black and you are her friend who -- I don't know. She's greek she's grown up Greek but she's black in color and what that does mean
nd did i just burp? did they hear me?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAa my stomach was killing me during the flight should I eat smth! but then i fear that when I'm writing ENglish they could look over they could understand it but then I remember that we are all in here so fucked up they'd first misunderstand it for italian and try to read it thus and then by the time they realiase what the fuck they're doing -- it's gone
wpa gia koka lene twra. (koita poses lexeis einai koines pws mporoune apla na koitaxoun thn othonh sou k na xeroun apo mia lexh ti les gia ti les kkkkkkk--shoukders back00-
shoulders back. ow ow oh aou the tension. wa sthat guy hot? should I look did he notice what's the time? ^: 41 A M
6 forty five a m
in my sleep?
at the same time;
i am
the most timid
and the most adVenturous persons that could ever be
moving in tandem
living differently
alll all al l at the same time.
poetic- y break in text to see jjgk see what happens
things I have mocked I do aI I do well I do amusingly
I have decided that the above is actually a poem and I thus present it but it needs something some3thing more thelei
afto molies synevh sto myalo mou pwwwwwwwwwwwwwpwwwwww doulema pou exei na pesei epi anagnwshs aftou edw tou keimenououououo. den yparxw den den den xanaxan xana ta tria 4 plhktra tap tap rtap /tap tap rtap /tap tap rtap
ki alloi italoi nearoteroi afth th fora pio rasta kietsi kathontai kai fevgoun oi original italides pou htan k megalokopeles ax kai xairetiountai oi italoi giati einai koinoi touristeeeeees
ax giati de milhsa stous 8 ellhnes pou petyxa sto dormo erxomenos
ki enas isws htan k cute me th fag hag toy.
aloi galoi aa
kai isws kai aftos na ienai ellhnas alla den einai, einai gallos! ti ki an moiazei me skitso tou arka? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gallika GALLIKA den mprw mporw aaaaaarg flashback se ola
gallika mathimata yuck bleuuuuuurgh hisss sixama ta misousa giati?
htan toso kalh h Avgh. Toso kalh.
Kai wx! Mporw twra afto me ola ta onomata na to anevasw?
Giati eixa skopo na vgei ena post kalo s'afto to taxid i
but this is not what I had on mind
Not what I had in mind.
So high.
Is that guy Turkish?
gallos pali
k krywsa k vazw mia xaketa akoma ki anarwtiemai poso travaw thn prosoxh olous tous nomizw ellhnes k travaw thn prosoxh k grafw grafqw twra prospathwntas na mhn grapsw niwthw san kartoon pou to travane ta podia na kanei kati kai ta xeria menoun pisw elastika kollhmena se delay.
Ouf. paragraph.
Deeeeep deep breath -- Exhale.
MY teeth HUETy hurt There are no places to hide here - no reasons. where should I styop? StOP.
It would be possible to go on forever but I don't want to mixsx miss this flight This flight is what everything reevreything is abnout
about one thing
That's what it all all is. This flight this trip is love.
The boys are getting there, when:
Eli catches something in his rearview mirror.
Do they ever stop you in Greece? Pull you over to the side of the road?
Cut to the boys OK we're lost
straight there
or something about wacky races pou den exw idea ti symvainei koitaw ta plhktra k kanoune zooom in zoooom out k panw katw panw katw sa na eimai h Sandra Bullock sto Network (?) Pagidevmenh sto diktyo telws pantwn The Web?
exw kollhsei me ena zevgari agglakia mia kopela k enan typo epeidh skeftomai ypervolika na tous milhsw alla me stamataei to gegonos oti tha eimai o typos sthn istoria tous pou htane kommatia k aftoi exoun erthei edw mono na pioun k se styl it will be the weird person they met in amsterdam.
Kai tote tote skefotmai poia einai akrivws h istoria mou e kai einai gamath eimai edw se 8 hour layover apo thn amerikh. (edw pou exw erthei me giannh me to grhgorh me to xarh)
pwwwwwpw frikh mphkane kati koules pou milane mia varia glwssa phxth k nomisa oti htan ellhnika kai mphkame se mia (italiano!) syzhthsh ateleiiiiiiwth pou den katalavainomastan. Hmoun san apo tainia tromou sto tripaki panw enas pou arxizei speaking in tongues. Wx ki hrthan ki alles kai einai italides kai me a-po-syn-to-ni-zoun!
einai poly konta mou kai kanoun poly thorybo.
ki exw toso prosperasei to na mporw na grapsw gia to senario - petaxa toso makria pou paei afto exoume ftasei se allo epipedo. ena epipedo pou den paizetai, den ginetai, den einai yparxei eirmos?
Niwthw oti oi wmoi my shoulders i feel them i fll them pushing in toward my spine like on my back the cable knit cardigan is too heavy it's made of something fat and heavy and warm-weighing like gold.
metaferw apo to trapezaki to neo laptopaki sta podia mou. me vlepw prin na eimai san th matzika de spell (oxi th despell afth htan wraia alla ths xionaths th magissa pou'tan kampoura to despell omws maresei pio poly einai pio evhxo vre paidi mou)
aristera dexia aristera trabalizetai to
lapto paki ithela na grapsw to deinosavraki
giat to ithela afto ma giati den mporw na
krathsw mia skepsh parpanaw apo pente lepta
oooohgHJLJNNNlapto paki ithela na grapsw to deinosavraki
giat to ithela afto ma giati den mporw na
krathsw mia skepsh parpanaw apo pente lepta
Something molis espase ston katw orofo. tous akouw na to mazevoun. pathainw me tis ekfraseis pou fantazomai na kanw. mousikh, italides k vlefaro na tremopaizei. sa na paei na pesei na prodwsei san ton typo apenanti pou to ena tou mati de leei, kyriolektika adynatei na anoixei...
k koitaw thn wra sto ypologistaki pou einai 6: 00 am giati exei meinei stou l.A. ki as eimai sto Amsterdam k thymamai etsi ta panta ola mpainoun mesa mazi kateftheian o giannhs ki o grhgorhs kai o xarhs k h amerRikh k to kalokairi k to fevgio (eipa fevgio?!) pou se stelnei ekei kkk ooops
k to poios eisai k pws den milhses stous agglous apenanti aggloi htan to eipa ? kai pws phges k milhses stis itallides k pws you are That GUy thaaaaaaaaaaat guy k nai ta vlefara (paw olo na grapsw flevara) petarizoun san ths Jerri Blank (what is flevara?)
k phgan na mou xarisoun ena sakoulaki oi itales giati fevgoun shmera k tous lew "ki egw!" k pali den katalavainomastan alla shnnennoooouuontai me tous agglous synennoountai k oh my god i am ana alien. o h my god i just typed o h mygod i am ana alien oooooooooo if only someone could see me right now
but wait-- if this were all written down to be read would it read true or not would it be real or not would it have happened?
i actually raise my eyebrow i actually pout my lips i actually in this place that I, where I, exist truly. fully of this world and entirely not of it. a rap trying to write itself but I'm too white but not white in an american way because in greece we don't have colours in people
Until very recently all you would find in greece is Greeks and yes some others but the others were such a very small minority that you learn to think them like that (Others) subconsciously and then one day you realize you're technically racist because you are not used to them and spending time with them
Aggelikh was my friend who's black back in 1st grade. We did projects together she was nice I think we were supposed to be in a common group of friends
OI italines synexizoun na me vgazoun apo ton eirmo mou afth th fora gia na zhthsoun stylo ka na mhn katannohthoume na ta grafw egw na shkwnetai to frydaki
Literally these things are happening - As a child she is not your black friend she really is your friend who is black and you are her friend who -- I don't know. She's greek she's grown up Greek but she's black in color and what that does mean
nd did i just burp? did they hear me?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAa my stomach was killing me during the flight should I eat smth! but then i fear that when I'm writing ENglish they could look over they could understand it but then I remember that we are all in here so fucked up they'd first misunderstand it for italian and try to read it thus and then by the time they realiase what the fuck they're doing -- it's gone
wpa gia koka lene twra. (koita poses lexeis einai koines pws mporoune apla na koitaxoun thn othonh sou k na xeroun apo mia lexh ti les gia ti les kkkkkkk--shoukders back00-
shoulders back. ow ow oh aou the tension. wa sthat guy hot? should I look did he notice what's the time? ^: 41 A M
6 forty five a m
in my sleep?
at the same time;
i am
the most timid
and the most adVenturous persons that could ever be
moving in tandem
living differently
alll all al l at the same time.
poetic- y break in text to see jjgk see what happens
things I have mocked I do aI I do well I do amusingly
I have decided that the above is actually a poem and I thus present it but it needs something some3thing more thelei
afto molies synevh sto myalo mou pwwwwwwwwwwwwwpwwwwww doulema pou exei na pesei epi anagnwshs aftou edw tou keimenououououo. den yparxw den den den xanaxan xana ta tria 4 plhktra tap tap rtap /tap tap rtap /tap tap rtap
ki alloi italoi nearoteroi afth th fora pio rasta kietsi kathontai kai fevgoun oi original italides pou htan k megalokopeles ax kai xairetiountai oi italoi giati einai koinoi touristeeeeees
ax giati de milhsa stous 8 ellhnes pou petyxa sto dormo erxomenos
ki enas isws htan k cute me th fag hag toy.
aloi galoi aa
kai isws kai aftos na ienai ellhnas alla den einai, einai gallos! ti ki an moiazei me skitso tou arka? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gallika GALLIKA den mprw mporw aaaaaarg flashback se ola
gallika mathimata yuck bleuuuuuurgh hisss sixama ta misousa giati?
htan toso kalh h Avgh. Toso kalh.
Kai wx! Mporw twra afto me ola ta onomata na to anevasw?
Giati eixa skopo na vgei ena post kalo s'afto to taxid i
but this is not what I had on mind
Not what I had in mind.
So high.
Is that guy Turkish?
gallos pali
k krywsa k vazw mia xaketa akoma ki anarwtiemai poso travaw thn prosoxh olous tous nomizw ellhnes k travaw thn prosoxh k grafw grafqw twra prospathwntas na mhn grapsw niwthw san kartoon pou to travane ta podia na kanei kati kai ta xeria menoun pisw elastika kollhmena se delay.
Ouf. paragraph.
Deeeeep deep breath -- Exhale.
MY teeth HUETy hurt There are no places to hide here - no reasons. where should I styop? StOP.
It would be possible to go on forever but I don't want to mixsx miss this flight This flight is what everything reevreything is abnout
about one thing
That's what it all all is. This flight this trip is love.
My alarm rang to the tune of Skins
Hahahahahahaha! Wait there we go that's
what I wanted dialogue it goes it goes
Last toke at 4: 02 (PM)
My alarm rang to the tune of Skins
Last toke at 4:02
(Amsterdam time pm iPhone has synchronized-
(Amsterdam time pm iPhone has synchronized-
Hahahahahahaha! Wait there we go that's
what I wanted dialogue it goes it goes
Last toke at 4: 02 (PM)
and wrapping up.
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